The Kitchen Is A Place/SxS Gallery/Shanghai, China

The Kitchen Is A Place/SxS Gallery/Shanghai, China

The Kitchen Is A Place/SxS Gallery/Shanghai, China

The Kitchen Is A Place/SxS Gallery/Shanghai, China

The Kitchen Is A Place/SxS Gallery/Shanghai, China

Exhibition Poster, The Kitchen Is A Place. SXS Gallery

The Kitchen Is A Place/Exhibition Poster

The Niche/2024/70 x 63 x 28/3D Print, epoxy resin and pigments

Mayfly (Ephemeral Nymphs) /2023/200 x 141 cm /oil on wood

Sculpture Park 003 /2021/107 x 214 cm /mixed media collage

Mayfly (Your Eyes Are Painting Colour) /2023/129 x 178 cm /oil on wood

Mayfly (Vendors) /2023/120 x 172 cm /oil on wood

Mayfly (A Dazzling Ocean Without Shores) /2023/155 x 191 cm /oil on canvas

Mayfly (The Yellow Leaf All Nature Wears) /2023/155 x 185 cm /oil on canvas

Mayfly (Ephemeral Nymphs) /2022/124 x 118 cm /oil on wood

Who Lives In the Pineapple Under the Sea? /2024/214 x 156 cm /oil on canvas

Mayfly (Shattered Jewelry) /2023/176 x 123 cm /oil on wood

A Sleeping Flower Never Weeps/2020/122 x 182 cm/oil on canvas

Sculpture Park 002 /2021/170 x 122 cm /mixed media

A Rare Wedding/2021/122 x 131 cm/mixed media collage

Tables (Tree-Shaped Streetlamps) /2023/143 x 188 cm /oil on canvas

Tables (Mist Swirls, Dances Invites) /2023/196 x 149 cm /oil on canvas

Tables (Yokohama) /2023/174 x 150 cm /oil on canvas

Sculpture Park 001 /2021/150 x 100 cm /mixed media

Swimming in the Algorithm of Generosity /2021/Dimensions Variable /mixed media

Swimming in the Algorithm of Generosity /2021/Dimensions Variable /mixed media

Stomatopoda Vision/2022/80 x 75 x 70 cm/fiberglass, resin, acrylic paint

Installation View at Blackstone M+ Hotel


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© 2023 all images: Ann Yan